Coaltar used, side effects, dose & more....


Brand name:- EXETAR : coaltar 6%, salicylic acid 3%, sulfur ppt. 3% ointment. TARSYL : coaltar 1%, salicylic acid 3% lotion . IONAX-T : coaltar 4.25%, salicylic acid scalp lotion.

This crude preparation containing manly phenolic compounds exerts a phototoxic action on the skin when exposed to light, especially UVA ,and retards epidermal turnover. Applied as ointment or alcoholic solution on psoriatic plaques ( generally with salicylic acid) and exposed to sunlight daily , it indues resolution of psoriatic lesions in majority of cases , but relapses are common. It's use has declined now because of strong smell, cosmetic unacceptability, skin irritation , allergy , and potential for photosensitivity and carcinogenicity.


Coal tar is a complex mixture of phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heterocyclic compounds. It is a keratolytic agent, which reduces the growth rate of skin cells and softens the skin's keratin.Decrease bacterial growth.

 Mechanism of action:- 

Coal tar ointment is a keratolytic. It works by slowing bacterial growth and loosening and softening scales and crust.


Used in the treatment of Dandruff, psoriasis, keratoses , skincare products and dermatitis.

side effects:- 

Skin/scalp irritation or staining of skin/hair (especially in patients with blonde, bleached, dyed, or gray hair) may occur.

DOSE:- External use only, As directed by your doctor.
